Breakthrough’s Biggest Men’s Meals and Mental Health Dinner

Picture this scene: Adelaide Oval on a Friday night in June. No football. No cricket. No concerts. Instead, over 500 men, many of whom are unknown to each other, embrace one another after finding out more about the person opposite them than many of the closest people in their own lives.

This is just one component – known as ‘Step to the Line’ – of Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation’s community program, Men’s Meals and Mental Health.

We are proud to announce the adaptation of the program on a grander scale. This groundbreaking event, aptly titled “Breakthrough’s Biggest Men’s Meals and Mental Health Dinner” is set to take place at the Adelaide Oval on Friday, 13 June.

The Breakthrough’s Biggest Men’s Meals and Mental Health Dinner program was conceived with the vision of fostering a safe and supportive environment for men to come together and address the stigma, discrimination, and myths surrounding mental health. The event in June aims to amplify that mission by focusing on suicide prevention, with over 500 guests expected,

Why men’s mental health?

Suicide prevention is a critical issue affecting men in our community, and it’s time we come together to address it, through open conversations, skill-building, fostering connections, and promoting vulnerability, we aim to empower men to take proactive steps in supporting their mental health and that of our mates.

Book in your spot 

And together, we can connect and break the stigma surrounding men’s mental health.
