Breakthrough is Australia’s first and only foundation purely focused on raising funds to invest in life-changing mental health research.
Our goal is to fund evidence-based research to better understand what causes mental illness, how to reduce its impact and ultimately prevent mental illness from happening in the first place.
We believe that a life free from mental illness is the freedom to leave your home, to chase your dreams, to live your life without restrictions, to build relationships, to fall in love. Who wouldn’t want this for themselves or their loved ones?
With 44% of Australians experiencing a mental health issue at some point in their life, we strive to create change with the help of our community.
Research Focus Areas
Latest News
Metcash Joins Breakthrough to Help Create a Life Free from Mental Illness
Metcash Joins Breakthrough to Help Create a Life Free from Mental Illness Breakthrough Mental Health
Mental Health with FIVEaa
Mental Health with FIVEaa From July to February, Breakthrough will once again be participating in
Mental Health First Aid Course
Mental Health First Aid Course in Australia Mental health is a critical issue in our
Funded Research Projects
Big Talks for Little People
Big Talks for Little People Flinders University Researchers: PROFESSOR PHILLIP SLEE AND ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
A pilot study: Developing and testing an online version of an effective cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders protocol
A pilot study: Developing and testing an online version of an effective cognitive behaviour
Improving mood and motivation in Parkinson’s Disease
Improving mood and motivation in Parkinson’s Disease 2022 – Flinders University Researchers: Lead Investigator