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Leave a Legacy
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Leave a legacy
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Leave a legacy
Unlocking a future free from mental illness
Leave a legacy, transform lives
Imagine a world where mental illness no longer restricts us from doing the things we love; a world where understanding, support and freedom flourish. Breakthrough’s mission is to turn this vision into reality. You have the power to play a pivotal role in shaping a future where mental wellness is ever present, even beyond our lifetime. By leaving a gift in your will to Breakthrough, you can become an advocate for change and a beacon of hope.
Why choose to leave a gift in your will?
Your legacy gift can be a testament to your commitment to a cause that matters deeply to you. By partnering with Breakthrough, you ensure that the pursuit of a life free from mental illness continues long after you’re gone. With your gift, you:
- Empower Groundbreaking Research: Fuel ground-breaking research that drives discoveries, innovations, and breakthroughs in understanding mental health, paving the way for effective treatments and prevention strategies.
- Elevate Mental Health Awareness: Help us grow the mental health conversation, raising awareness, decreasing stigma, and fostering a supportive environment for those who need it most.
How to leave your legacy
Leaving a gift in your will is a profound way to ensure your values and hopes for a better world live on. We understand that this decision requires careful consideration, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Having a will ensures your wishes, your dependants and your assets are looked after, and as a legal document it should be handled with care. You may wish to speak to a solicitor to reflect your wishes, or alternatively a simple will can be completed online for free through our partnership with Gathered Here, Australia’s most-trusted end-of-life services provider.
Gifts can be given as a residual portion of your estate, a percentage or a specified item or value.
Alternatively, you can contact our team if you have any questions at info@breakthoughfoundation.org.au
By choosing Breakthrough, you will make a statement that transcends generations – the most powerful of actions. Your legacy gift becomes a symbol of progress, creating a ripple effect of positive change and a source of inspiration for others to come.
Together, let’s build a world where mental illness is a thing of the past – a world where freedom and resilience prevail.
Your legacy can be the key that unlocks this future.