If 2021 has shown us anything, it’s that life can still throw us curve balls and derail our plans, even when we think everything is in place.
But it’s also showed us how our ability to cope with things outside of our control – our resilience – can ensure our long term wellbeing.
The past year was a big one for the team here with expanded growth and community connections. This included hosting a long lunch at The Lane Vineyard and our signature event at the Queen’s Theatre.
We hosted our very first Big Bike Ride with Erin and Soda and we built upon the incredible success of our Community Round by adding a summer round to the competition.
We’ve supported a range of initiatives through campaigns including eating disorders and children’s mental health and funded over 20 research projects across our key focus areas.
This year, we will look to fund over a million dollars in research grants in universities across the country. This will not only change the face of mental health and the way we do research, but it supports those new ideas that people aren’t yet testing through seed grants, PhDs and Fellowships. We are the only mental health research foundation in the country to do so.
And of course, we couldn’t do any of that without your continued support. But we need to keep it going. This is only the beginning. There is so much more we need to do – this is only the tip of the iceberg.
This is why we are so driven to create a life free from mental illness. Just imagine what that would look like.
So, we invite you to join the conversation – what does a life free from mental illness look like for you?
Is it freedom to make your own decisions?
Is it a legacy for your children?
Is it hope for your future?
Have a conversation with your family and friends about mental health and share your vision with us.