Breakthrough welcomes the successful passing of Australia’s first Suicide Prevention Bill
The Bill establishes a Suicide Prevention Council as a statutory body and builds on the work of the Premier’s Council on Suicide Prevention.
Breakthrough Executive Director John Mannion said the Bill provided a framework for the state.
“The Bill will support a whole of government approach and embeds the voice of lived experience to provide consistency for Suicide Prevention for South Australia in the future,” Mr Mannion said.
“As a mental health foundation based within SA, we support the ongoing development of strategies and evidence based interventions, that reflect the passionate support of our community and represent the many voices of all our community members with lived experience and those who tragically lost to suicide.”
Director of Órama Institute for Mental Health and WellBeing at Flinders University, Professor Tracey Wade said it was “great to see South Australia lead the way on an Australian-first Suicide Prevention Bill”.
“This is a great opportunity to have suicide prevention initiatives informed by evidence and extended through robust research.”
As a result of the Bill’s passage through Parliament, a statutory based Suicide Prevention Council comprised of 13 members will be established with a requirement that at least one member:
- Has experience of leadership in suicide prevention initiatives or services in a non-government organisation.
- Has experience in a leadership position in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander and the multicultural community.
- Is a veteran with lived experience of suicide or experience in supporting veterans with this lived experience.
- Is a current or previous first responder with lived experience of suicide, or experience supporting other first responders with lived experience of suicide
- Is a member of the LGBTIQ+ community with lived experience of suicide or has leadership experience in this community.
- Has lived experience of suicidal behaviour.
- Has a clinical professional with experience in providing care to people with lived experience of suicide or who may be at risk of suicide.
- Has a person with experience in suicide prevention commissioning from primary health networks.
- Has a researcher with expertise in suicidology or suicide prevention or mental health.