The Spark Grants from the Fay Fuller Foundation are designed to help organisations explore a big idea.
An idea that could change the way we respond to mental health, shift us from response to prevention, or strengthen individual or community capability to build better mental health and wellbeing for the South Australian community.
And we are so excited to announce that Breakthrough has been successful in this year’s Spark Grant allocation with our project: “How to unravel the mindfield that is accessing mental health support during a crisis.”
Our wish is to explore and develop a simple tool that is easily accessible that supports a person, carer, family, friend or work colleague to gain support during times of crisis. This needs to be clear, concise and provide direct pathways of appropriate support and connectivity, in a language and platform that is easy to understand and navigate, at a time when we require support, clarity and calm.
The project was inspired by our work with Breakthrough Ambassador James Thredgold whose wife Holly died following a long mental health battle. The family found accessing help difficult and the pathways challenging to navigate.
We look forward to working with our partners over the coming months to scope out the project in more detail so stay tuned!